Wednesday, 11 June 2008

First Post!

Hooray! My very first post!

So I've decided to make a blog just yesterday, when I found myself with nothing to do (newsflash!). I'm thinking of writing about fashion, photography, strange little things I find on the internet, etc... Hopefully, it'll be lots of fun!

So, first post: The honourable Mr Piggy!

Piggy McFly (aka Mr Piggy) is my travel buddy, photo buddy and now, blog buddy. He's just turned 2 years old but has the knowledge of many years more! Plus, he likes yellow daisies. Who could say no to that?

Anyway, this is just the intro post, I won't bore you any longer...

So welcome to my blog, I hope you enjoy your stay!


Unknown said...

I have the honour and pleasure of personally knowing this famous pig, and feel that a blog in his honour is only fitting. :) I highly approve! And Nat? Go find stuff to do! Hahaha, que inveja de nao ter nada pra fazer...

Laura* said...

you know chica, as a person whos too lazy too even get bebo, i think im gonna like this one - mr piggy and fashion - my two favourite things! was just actually sitting feeling guilty about my shoe collection, the ones that were, the ones that are, and the ones yet to come... and there are women out there who can't even get clean water for there children. do fairtrade shoes exist? and would anyone ever wear them? or is that beside the point? pues nada, do have a lovely day finding something to do!


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